R9 Plus Dovetail & Box Joint Jig
The R9 is no longer in production or available directly from Leigh.
Select authorized dealers may have stock. Please contact Customer Service at 1800-663-8932
The new R9 Plus Joinery System makes fast and accurate routing of Through Dovetails and Box joints. The Plus? The R9 Plus makes 3 sizes of Through Dovetails, all on boards of ANY width! Perfect joint fit is guaranteed and repeatable with the Leigh e10 guidebush. All this, and it works mounted on your bench with a hand held router or with your router table. Designed to keep your initial investment low, we provide the template, clamps, side stop and mounting hardware and you save by making a simple shop made beam to mount it on.
Unlimited Board Width
Rout the first section of the board. Then simply move the template to the next plate position... and keep routing! The precision pin plates and template machining guarantee perfect joint alignment every time.

Through Dovetail Joints Tails and Pins
All boards are positioned against the side stop and the template is quickly and accurately positioned on pin plates mounted on the beam. Simply rotate the template to the Pins mode and rout Through Dovetails in boards from 1/4" to 13/16" thick.
Box Joint Pins and Sockets
Simply rout all of the pins, reposition the template, and rout all the sockets.

Template Positioning
The template has positioning holes that allow it to sit perfectly on top of the raised pin of each pin plate.

Optional Leigh Brand Router Bits
View all bits that work with the R9 Plus and learn more about the quality, shank size and router bit selection. See R9 Plus Router Bits page.